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"Somebody Told You A Lie"

5-Day Virtual Enrichment Camp

for Young Men Ages 12-16

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"Somebody Told You A Lie" Virtual Enrichment Camp

will engage participants, ages 12-16, in a week-long discussion of the book

Somebody Told You a Lie with educator and author, Dr. Brooksie B. Sturdivant of 3e LLC.

For more information about the book, author, and organization, explore this website.

Participants will:

  • Receive a signed copy of the book with paid registration

  • Address common issues facing teen boys & positive ways to deal with emotions

  • Address the false narratives about young black men in society

  • Discuss issues of intimate and platonic relationships for teens

  • Discuss the consequences of illegal actions & alternatives to those paths

  • Identify common poetic terms and practice developing your own poetry

  • Discuss the power of reading, identify your reading level, and find books you'll like


Participants are required to:

  • Attend all scheduled Zoom meetings.

  • Discuss sensitive topics such as mental health, emotions, sex, drugs, violence, and dating and may be exposed to profanity through video clips, audio samples, and dialogue.

  • Complete all discussions and assignments on Canvas, including but not limited to- questionnaires, surveys, and reflections.

  • Be seen on video recordings, heard on audio recordings, and captured in photos, which may be used for future marketing.

Subscribe to the email list to receive updates on the next session.

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